September 6, 2023

Black Rose

Well, they are not really black, as they are essentially a very deep red or dark purple. Black is definitely an alluring color, which perhaps explains the number of black roses in my garden. Attempts to create the purely black rose have failed. However, veteran rose gardeners call several of their creations ‘black’, nonetheless, there is no authentic black rose anywhere in the world. 

There is a sense of mythical quality attached to black. Some feel that black is a gloomy color but it actually is very elegant and adds charm to my garden. These nearly black roses do serve to accentuate colored and white roses by providing a stark contrast.

Ink Spots Variety

This beautiful rose is the nearest to black with its deep dark blackish red buds that turn into very dark red blooms with black markings on the edge of the petals. Each bloom is about 3 ½ to 4 inches wide with about 25 to 38 high-centered and pointed solid petals.

The inside of each petal feels velvety while the outside is more satin-like. Each stem carries a single bloom. This plant grows to a height of about five feet and has a very waxy and dense foliage. 

It's not very thorny and has moderate resistance to common diseases. When grown in severely cold weather conditions, it would benefit with winter protection. The flowers have little or no fragrance. This rose is a Wheels’ creation of 1985.

The Oklahoma

A hybrid tea, is a combination of Charles Mallerin and Chrysler Imperial. Each 5-inch wide high-centered bloom carries 45 to 50 petals. It blooms in repeat flushes through the season and exudes a very heady old rose and apple fragrance.

The blooms are the deepest red in color and can easily be mistaken for black when the light is right. Oklahoma roses reach a maximum height of 8 feet and a width of 4 feet in Zones 7b to 10b. It establishes well both in the ground and in containers and benefits with regular spring pruning. 

They have a high level of resistance to disease and the blooms look better as the season progresses.

Ruby Celebration

In fact, a floribunda, the Ruby Celebration is yet another beautiful deep, dark red rose that is called black because of its slightly black trimmings. This rose has a very mild fragrance and rich, glossy foliage. Ruby Celebration grows to a height of three feet and spreads to a width of four feet. During late Spring it starts blooming and continues until the onset of frost.

Souvenir du Dr Jamain

A combination of General Jacqueminot (1853) and Charles Lefebvre, is a hybrid perpetual. The medium, double cupped blooms are a very attractive violet to dark maroon with about 17 to 25 petals each. It is moderately scented and is a repeat bloomer that blooms in flushes throughout the season.

The rose bush has practically no thorns and when grown in partial shade, gives the most brilliant color. However, it needs regular feeding and grows to a height of five to ten feet and a width of three feet in Zone 4b.

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